This list was accumulated from 4 collection sites (!).
Family Cyprinidae
Campostoma anomalum - Central stoneroller
Cyprinella spiloptera - Spotfin shiner (see unconfirmed)
Ericymba buccata - Silverjaw minnow
Erimystax dissimilis - Streamline chub
Hybopsis amblops - Bigeye chub
Luxilus chrysocephalus - Striped shiner
Nocomis biguttatus - Hornyhead chub
Nocomis micropogon - River chub
Notemigonus crysoleucas - Golden shiner
Notropis rubellus - Rosyface shiner
Notropis volucellus - Mimic shiner (see unconfirmed)
Pimephales notatus - Bluntnose minnow
Rhinichthys atratulus - Blacknose dace
Semotilus atromaculatus - Creek chub
Family Catostomidae
Hypentelium nigricans - Northern hogsucker
Minytrema melanops - Spotted sucker
Family Ictaluridae
Ameiurus natalis - Yellow bullhead
Noturus flavus - Stonecat
Noturus gyrinus - Tadpole madtom
Noturus miurus - Brindled madtom
Family Umbridae
Umbra limi - Central mudminnow
Family Aphredoderidae
Aphredoderus sayanus - Pirate perch
Family Fundulidae
Fundulus dispar - Starhead topminnow
Fundulus notatus - Blackstripe topminnow
Family Atherinidae
Labidesthes sicculus - Brook silverside
Family Cottidae
Cottus bairdi - Mottled sculpin
Family Centrarchidae
Ambloplites rupestris - Rock bass
Lepomis cyanellus - Green sunfish
Lepomis gibbosus - Pumpkinseed
Lepomis gulosus - Warmouth
Lepomis humils - Orangespot sunfish
Lepomis macrochirus - Bluegill
Lepomis megalotis - Longear sunfish
Micropterus dolomieu - Smallmouth bass
Micropterus salmoides - Largemouth bass
Family Percidae
Ammocrypta pellucida - Eastern sand darter (SSC)
Etheostoma blennioides - Greenside darter
Etheostoma caeruleum - Rainbow darter
Etheostoma camurum - Bluebreast darter (SE)
Etheostoma flabellare - Fantail darter
Etheostoma maculatum - Spotted darter (SE)
Etheostoma nigrum - Johnny darter
Etheostoma spectabile - Orangethroat darter
Etheostoma tippecanoe - Tippecanoe darter (SE)
Percina caprodes - Logperch
Percina evides - Gilt dater (SE)
Percina sciera - Dusky darter
Probable, but unconfirmed:
Notropis stramineus - Sand shiner - voucher-in-home was mimic.
Cyprinella whipplei - Steelcolor shiner - vouchers-in-home were spotfin.
Micropterus punctulatus - Spotted bass (no voucher)
And one beautiful hybrid:
Orangspot x Bluegill - L. macrochirus x L. humils
Ever seen angry bluegill stripes with orange spots? It was neato :)
Okay... Back to bed.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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