Re: NANFA-- paint rock?
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 18:26:59 EST
i read today that about 50 businesses were DESTROYED in halleyville. man.
that is where i stayed twice on some collecting excursions. about 4 people
died... i believe 2 of them in house trailers. ive always wanted to see a
tornado but this was one to stay away from indeed. lots of wild desciptions
in the paper today.
i caught a few mountain shiners in the little sequatchie last year. did these
have the glowing blue white head? i presume it is just a spring time male
breeding display.
im looking forward to yalls pics. sounds like wet fun.
be thinking of activities for our late winter party. slide show? maybe i
could get ed scott to do a talk. or maybe dave nelly could give us a lecture.
maybe a mini fish id workshop. catfish or rainbow trout on the barbi. it
would be nice to do it ALL day on a saturday.
a fellow almost new nanfa member came down from nashville sunday. larry. we
collected a few of bg's least killie's offspring for his first native tank.
gave him some plants and critters too. we were gonna take a creek run but it
was raging too.
the nanfa tn valley alliance should consider the harpeth below nashville for
a regional foray next year. pretty cool area.
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