This is my first box turtle experience and I have no idea what to do.
I have two Three Toed Box Turtles. They are in a 40g Breeder with an
undertank heater and two 100 watt heat lamps. I have a screen over the
top and have the tank 3/4 covered with plexi to help keep the heat in.
The tank stays at around 80 degrees during the day. At night it drops
into the mid-70's. The turtles are very lethargic and seldom if ever
move. In fact I have had several people tell me they are dead, when they
are not. I have a bark substrate and there is a swimming hole in there
for them as well. It's only deep enough for them to soak in. (about and
inch). Occasionally there is a white liquid that comes out of their
noses and eyes. Kind of like a mucus. They have eaten, but do not
enough, I am sure.
What am I doing wrong? I need to figure it out before I kill these poor
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