is the url on
grounding. It's marine aquaria based, but I do the same thing with my fw
tanks. You wouldn't believe how many volts a whisper filter can leak ;)
I totally agree Jim, and I'd really like to see that system sometime. There's
a gal that I chat with who lives in K-zoo who is very interested in switching
from reefs to natives as well. I think there will be some collecting trips up
there next spring/summer :)
I found that by feeding a healthy balanced diet and maintaining quality
conditions, parasites and whatnot had really no effect on new arrivals (in
fact my mortality counts *dropped* once I quit treating for ich and other
"immuno-compromise indicators"), and the fish who were already there weren't
ever affected. The only times I treated were when any infection prevented the
animal from feeding, which was usually fungal around the mouth and a 20 minute
bath in some formalin took care of that nice and tidy.
Without having the chemicals in there "hiding" the physical mainfestations of
stress, keeping a more balanced system because the biological isn't getting
hosed continually by antibiotics and whatnot (a gram positive bacteria is a
gram positive bacteria ;)... Again, actual mortality counts dropped like a
rock and I ended up only having *7* warranties to honor in 9 months (my policy
was "If it dies bring me water.. I don't care how long it's been. We need to
see what's going on"). We knew who the healthy fish were, we knew who the
healthy fish weren't, and that was enough of an annecdote for me :)
Then when I bought a multitester for people to borrow... Man I was from
another planet lol. I even got a developer successfully sued for faulty
wiring upstairs :)
If things would have worked out, I was in the process of setting up a parallel
system so we could just not have diseased looking fish in the same system that
was "for sale". I would rotate back and forth between the systems and give
them a week of quarantine as that provided plenty of time for shipping ich and
crypto to go away. Fin damage wasn't an issue in shipping because they would
just kill those animals. But if they did arrive, I was setting up systems in
the back to host them back into sellable condition.
Too much d_at_mned work and time to have Putz Supplies Plus and PetStupid
undermining sales because their fish were 25 cents less on average. Not to
mention the support nightmares I'd get for basically little profit because...
how many fish should you put in a 5 gallon? Certainly, some did convert sales
into more adequate systems... But if I had to do an hourly billing report, I
was a business moron.
So... The math showed me the way out the door ;)
Now coral farming... That was some profit!
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox and go back to my other planet now ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: james graham
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- fish parasites
Please provide the URL.
Got a water changing system running in my fishroom now and I'm running about
500 gallons a day thru it.
It goes back to if you have proper nutrition and conditions organisms have
an amazing ability to heal themselves.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Crail, Todd" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:19 AM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- fish parasites
> Actually, if you haven't, I'd check the nitrate before I added any more
> chemicals to the equation (or just start changing water if you don't feel
> it). I find that it is perhaps the single greatest culprit of immuno
> suppression that leads to bacterial nastiness and fin corrosion (well
> there is stray voltage, which is common too.. may want to check that... if
> you're interested I can provide a url about my experience and treatment of
> this).
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