And keep this in mind - the drilling is GONNA happen. I'd rather we go after the oil now, when we're not under pressure and can take
time do do it gently. Yeah, we should explore alternate energy sources **, but somebody's GONNA get the oil.
**Greenpeacers make me chuckle. They're dead set against nuclear power (WHY) but think we should convert vast tracts of land
into solar and wind generator fields. THAT's not going to affect the environment, NO SIR!
On 18 Nov 2002 at 17:04, Crail, Todd wrote:
> What kind of precedence do we set if we allow business to go wherever
> *they feel* it's appropriate to do their business, without any
> concession for what they do, wether it's debateable that it's a risky
> business gamble for them to be there in the first place?
> If it were not designated as a WILDLIFE PRESERVE, say it still
> remained as private land, that's a whole other set of arguments and
> issues. But in court, where precedence is of the utmost greatest, an
> entire pandora's box has been opened once the word "preserve" means
> basically, nothing but "someone thought this was a nice place to eat
> lunch once".
Jackson, MS
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