Re: NANFA-- Fwd: Environment down the tubes

R. W. Wolff (
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 17:29:04 -0600

> I am truly sorry Ray - I was being my usual "ironic" self, as Chris would
say. You are one of the best aquarists I know, and it was
> never my intent to trivialize your opinion in any way.

Martin, I may have not been clear on my apology to the list before, but hope
to do that here. Its not you at all, but what you had wrote. There has been
several things in the past and it all culminated at that point, and when
that was said the "black helicopter" part of my mind kicked in and I went
off. I overreacted, since I know you always tell eveyone there fish will
probably die. Like I said to some others, it was just the last straw, and
had nothing to do with you alone. I have calmed down and reflected on it
all, and wish that maybe I would have done that to begin with. I just felt
portrayed as some right wing kook and had ,again, jumped off the boat. The
only reason your remark was the one, I think , is because I was trying to be
fair in my post and felt like either I came across as crass, or maybe there
was a bit of truth to what you said.
It's all water under the bridge now. So I except your apology, even though
to be clear, it was nothing to do with your personally and what you said was
not the main reason I had my melt down.

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