> Moon,
> How do we transfer this energy back to earth?
Actually it's a little bit of a trick question but basically in the regolith
of the moon there is relatively large quantities of helium 3. Very rare on
the earth but it has the unique property of be able to support fusion
reactions without the release of any neutrons. Normal fission or fusion
reactions depend on the release of neutrons to release a major portion of the
energy. Release of neutrons is the main cause of radioactive waste. So even
hydrogen fusion, the long touted savior of the energy requirements of the
earth will still result in everything around the reactor including the
reactor becoming radioactive. Helium 3 fusion releases no neutrons, better
yet use of the energy doesn't depend on absorption of neutrons to produce
heat to turn water into steam and steam into electricity. Helium 3 fusion
just releases photon radiation which can be turned directly into electricity
via solar type cells. This not only cuts out the steam part of the process
but nothing is made radioactive by the process. Instead of several feet of
concrete to stop neutrons which causes the concrete to become radioactive.
Just a few inches of lead will stop photons and the lead remains
non-radioactive. The amount of helium 3 that would fit into the space shuttle
would run the energy needs of the entire earth for a year. The catch is that
helium 3 is only available on the moon or in the atmospheres of the giant
planets. The sun sends it out by the ton in the solar wind. So little helium
3 is available on the earth it's not even experimented with. Kind of ironic.
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