For a fish, the mouth and gill muscles are the most
important. Hence they yawn. All other muscels get a
workout just by swimming.
Donminate fish are like prize fighters, they need more
exercise, thus they yawn more.
I have no data on this, but it seems the simplest
--- Chip Rinehart <> wrote:
> I've noticed this same behavior with my blackbanded
> and bluespotted sunfish
> as well as golden and lined topminnows. I have not
> seen my darters or
> shiners do it. I've often wondered why but have
> never bothered to ask. If
> anyone knows the answer, I'll be glad to listen. ;-)
> Chip
> I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
> The trouble with life is there's no background
> music. :)
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