Re: NANFA-- School teacher needs help

m c (
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 21:27:06 -0800 (PST)

>Hi Michael, you have an admirably ambitious plan

Thank you, but no. Ambitious would be for me to try
any other method. I have no education training.
Also, even though I grew up in this area, I have
apparently little in common with the populace. I was
the nerd who didn't like football and who didn't
socialize because I didn't see the point of driving
around the courthouse square with pickup trucks on
Saturday night, or mud boggen'. Years of speach
theropy to fix a speach impediment left me with a
Yankee accent. And to top it off, I was raised in the
pentacostel church, and now I'm going to be the town
evolution teacher. So instead of approching the
studnets from their world, I'm going to submerse them
in mine.

Thank you on the suggestions on the fish. But I think
you are thinking of the wrong cichlids. Mind you now,
these cichlids are not Maliwin Mumba. They are Tang
rubble zone and open water. The juli is less than 3
inch and is sort of cigar shaped, and is a bottom
dweller. The Cypnichromis is open water and acts like
a schooling shiner. It is a zoo planton feeder and is
called a "Sardine" cichlid. Neither is very
aggressive by cichlid standards. On the same level as
Shiners, as long as they stay out of the juli's
territory, which doesn't extend much beyond their
flowerpot or rock cave. I'm actually worried about
the sunfish being too aggressive for the cichlids.
The shiner should be fine as it is the same size as
the cyps.

> mebbe Steven or myself can forward some to you

That would be appreciated. Would you happen to have
any that are less than 1 inch? That is the size of
the current occupants of the 55. Otherwise, I would
use them for the 20 for now.

Are you sure that they can take tropical temps year
round? All of the info that I am finding on them are
from state wildlife websites for OH and IL.

Thanks for the support.

--- Bruce Stallsmith <> wrote:
> Hi Michael, you have an admirably ambitious plan.
> I've been working with K-8
> teachers in north Alabama, and I know that good
> teachers are trying to
> integrate more hands-on biology into their classes.
> On a technical note, if you're looking for natives
> for your 55 gal. tank
> that can deal with cichlids and warmer temperatures,
> look for striped
> shiners, Luxilus chrysocephalus. They're large (up
> to 4 inches and more),
> active, and will eat anything offered. They can be
> found in north Georgia;
> mebbe Steven or myself can forward some to you. Or,
> check out some of the
> smaller Lepomis sunfish like the Dollar or Spotted
> which are both found in
> southern/eastern GA. I guarantee that Dollars won't
> be easily intimidated!
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
> >From: m c <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: NANFA-- School teacher needs help
> Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002
> >19:29:39 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >--- wrote:
> > > I have been exchanging e-mail with a teacher in
> >The 55 gal is probably the most interesting. I am
> >stocking this planted tank around Rainbowfish.
> They
> >are large enough to be seen from the back of the
> room,
> >the species can be determined by the color, and
> they
> >are peaceful. The lesson plan almost writes
> itself:
> >"One fish, Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish: Divergent
> >Evolution". But I haven't found any yet (if anyone
> >would care to help correct that).
> >>The tough one is the 55. Given the nature of the
> >cichlids and rainbowfish planed for that tank, the
> >only fish that I can think of would be the larger
> type
> >(3-5 in) of sailfin molly found in LA or some dace
> or
> >shiner from FL or TX. Anyone have a suggestion for
> a
> >native that can deal with 78 F year round and hold
> >their own in a tank with the bottom dominated by
> >territorial cichlids and the mid and upper water
> >occupied with shoaling 3-5 inch fish, who also
> won't
> >eat the plants?
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