> Jim wrote:
> >>> If the notification went out as soon as someone found out the dates
> more of us could plan on it. Also, when I first heard of it I though and
> still think it's only one weekend, is it? Or can it be done over more
> weekends? JiM C.
> Jan responds:
> I do not believe that the lack of participation can be attributed to
> insufficient notification and time for planning a trip.
> An announcement (see below) went out 08 May (and included information
> the one-month sampling window prior to the day of WWMD). Also - there was
> periodic discussion on the list and a very detailed reminder (with links)
> 09 Oct (9 days prior to the end of the sampling window.
> NANFAns -
> I just received this. Please read it and consider joining this very
> worthwhile effort. Its great chance to contribute to an important
> Its also a wonderful opportunity to educate and involve your family,
> friends, neighbors, and co-workers in water quality issues (at the local
> level). Lastly - its a perfect excuse for a fish-collecting trip.
> - Jan
> World Water Monitoring Day
> October 18, 2003
> Dear 2002 National Water Monitoring Day Participant:
> Your involvement in the 2002 National Water Monitoring Day last October
> contributed to the success of the inaugural Year of Clean Water event
> celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. Over 75,000
> participated in water quality monitoring, water festivals and other
> educational outreach activities last fall. There were over 5,100 sites
> registered across the country. Every state, including the District of
> Columbia and Puerto Rico, was represented. In addition, local press
> the event and raised awareness of the continued need to care for local
> watersheds.
> Desiring to build on the success of the first year, America's Clean Water
> Foundation (ACWF) and its new international partner, the International
> Association (IWA), are joining together to coordinate World Water
> Day with existing partners this fall. Once again we hope to bring
> professional water quality monitoring agencies, volunteer monitoring
> organizations and first-time citizen monitors together to screen the
> of local watershed across the United States. In addition, we will invite
> select countries to pilot the event internationally. As with the first
> National Water Monitoring Day, this year's event will focus on the four
> basic parameters of temperature, acidity (pH), dissolved oxygen (DO) and
> clarity/turbidity to introduce citizens to water monitoring and help them
> understand its importance in protecting our water resources.
> Mark The Date. We encourage you to again join this important effort as we
> again celebrate October 18th as World Water Monitoring Day. This year, the
> actual monitoring window will run from September 18th through October
> in order to account for weather conditions and pre-existing volunteer
> monitoring programs.
> A new website is under construction for World Water Monitoring Day
> (www.worldwatermonitoringday.org) and should be completed by June 1. It
> provide helpful information about ways to increase local involvement in
> watershed and how to register sites this year.
> Until then, please visit www.yearofcleanwater.org and click on "National
> Events" or contact e.moyer_at_acwf.org for additional information.
> Plan now to participate in WORLD WATER MONITORING DAY and encourage others
> to join you by sharing this announcement within your networks. By working
> together, we can make a difference in our global waters.
> Ed Moyer
> America's Clean Water Foundation
> World Water Monitoring Day Coordinator
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