> I have copied this message from Tony Terceira concerning a threat to
> Flag Fish that he posted on killietalk..
> In a message dated 11/3/03 10:28:53 PM, terceira_at_ride.ri.net writes:
> << Hi All,
> I am sorry to bring to the group some alarming news. Commercial
> breeders have now decided to play with killies.
> You know the balloon mollies, balloon this and balloon that ...
> all of which are readily available in our LFS ... Well Singapore which has
> long been producing Flag Fish for the hobby have been working to produce
> designer flag fish.
> Listed as the Short bodied flag fish, it is now available through
> the commercial breeders. I can not think of the possibilities if these
> brought into FL.
> I have uploaded a picture of a male which arrived from
> Singapore. in the members Gallery ...............
> Tony in Rhode Island
> Tony Terceira
> terceira_at_ride.ri.net
> Lee Harper
> Media, PA
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