Tom McLean
At 12:42 AM 11/7/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Geoff, How's it going out there? Want me to send you some
>heteroclitus? I have a few places for brine shrimp eggs.
>Ken's Fish- this is my fish club's former president's side biz. I am
>currently working on a can of 90% I got from him a few months ago. good
>hatch rate. A 1lb. can to your area will run you about 28 bucks including
>shipping. He also has cheaper grades and I have used the 80% hatch stuff
>with success also. All his other flake type foods are high quality as well.
>North American Brine Shrimp- they also have good brine shrimp eggs, and
>they are currently running a special on their new 6 oz packs of eggs
>($11.75). add 5 for shipping and it will run you about 17 bucks. I have 2
>of the 6 oz packs in my fridge right now. It's heavier than you would
>think 6 oz. would be. Their 1lb. cans are a little more than Ken's prices.
>Both links can be found on my fish club's website:
> click on "fishy websites"
>1 other place is:
>Brine Shrimp Direct- haven't ordered from them, but have heard nothing but
>good things about them.
> HTH, Ron
>"Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food
>groups: Alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat." Alex Levine
>Ron Anderson
>Warwick, RI
>alt email:
>--------- Original Message ---------
>DATE: 06 Nov 2003 22:07:37 -050
>From: geoff <>
> >I have recently started hatching brine shrimp for my smaller fish,
> >mostly L ommata and pygmy sunfish. The fish are doing very well and
> >have begun stalking around the tank when I feed them. Fun to watch.
> >
> >I am looking for a good source for brine shrimp eggs in larger
> >quantities (like 8 to 16 oz). Does anyone have a good ideas?
> >
> >
> >I have seen reports describing decapsulating brine shrimp eggs using
> >chlorine bleach.
> >
> >Here's a link describing the process.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Does anyone have experience doing this?
> >
> >Geoff Kimber
> >Lexington,KY
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