I attached each link to the net using a small cable tie which I clipped
as short as possible. They still scratch me if I am not careful. I
have thought about heating up a piece of metal with a torch and melting
the ends of the ties to round them off, but that seems like a lot of
I attached every link to the net for 2 reasons -
When I had cable tied just a few links to the seine, the chain hung
differently than the net did and looked like it would catch on the rocks
on the bottom of the streams.
Also, I think that by attaching the chain by each link, I distribute the
weight of the chain along the entire net, rather than at just a few
points. I think this will reduce the risk of the chain tearing the net
Besides, the chain and seine now hang together and hug the bottom quite
nicely, even in relatively fast moving waters.
The downside is that the chained seine is pretty heavy.
I have used the net all summer with good results. It does not seem as
though the chain is damaging the net, but it has only been one year and
I didn't get out much.
Geoff Kimber
On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 18:47, Bruce Stallsmith wrote:
> Two places where a weighted net can help--in a fast-flowing stream where the
> net gets stretched out by current, and in salt water because of greater
> buoyancy.
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
> >From: Lance Merry <natureman187_at_yahoo.com>
> >Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> >To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> >Subject: Re: NANFA-- Chains on seines
> >Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 15:20:43 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >I've got an old cotton seine with lead weights on the bottom and I've never
> >had any trouble with it that I'm familiar with. What does the chains do to
> >better the seine?
> >
> >Lance Merry
> >
> >Decatur, IL
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