Geoff Kimber
On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 16:00, Bruce Stallsmith wrote:
> I received the message below from someone looking for live eels in Ohio. I
> have no clue, frankly... anyone? Her e-address follows the message, she's
> not on this list.
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
> Hi! My name is Dawn Sechler and I am a Biology major at Hiram College in
> Ohio. I have been researching American eels for about two months getting
> aquarium information and care information. I have wrote a paper and have
> discussed my interest in starting an exhibit at the Hiram College Field
> Station. They will pay for everything needed. Anyways my problem and
> question is that I have called about 40 fish stores and I cannot find a
> place that has them in stock. I was wondering if you had an idea of who I
> should call. Thanks for your time.
> Sincerely,
> Dawn Sechler
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