Without knowing more about your pond--whether it is natural or man-made, for
example--it would be difficult to make recommendations.
Moreover, history has shown that transporting fish and animals from one body
of water for another can often upset an ecosystems delicate balance. You
mention that there are other aquatic species living in the pond. The
introduction of fish to the pond might have a negative impact on these
It may be difficult to find an answer to your question, and you might need to
check with more than one source. I suggest you begin with your provincial
fish and wildlife agency. They may be able to tell you not only about the
species that might be suited to your area, but also about the regulations
governing the transplantation of those species.
In the U.S., many state fish and wildlife agencies are concerned with fish as
a food and recreational resource, and do not consider the impact of a species
on other aspects of an ecosystem. For this reason, you may wish to balance
the advice you receive, by checking with University ichthyologists,
biologists, and ecologists in your area to see if they would be able to offer
I hope this helps.
Bob Bock
Board member,
North American Native Fishes Association
This was received from someone who is not a nanfa list member. Please
contact the author directly, not me.
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 16:50:57 -0800 (PST)
From: Orion Wilson <wwoofing_at_yahoo.com>
Subject: native fish preservation
To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net, ponds-l at execpc.com, peter.sorrill at mnr.gov.on.ca
Hi there. I am a member of an ecovillage group living near Orangeville,
Ontario, and we have a spring-fed, land-locked, long-established pond of about
1/4 acre. The average depth is about 8 feet. There are numerous aquatic
plant, insect, and reptile species living in the pond, but no fish. Could you
recommend a species of fish that we could stock the pond with that is
endangered, yet native to Ontario waters, AND would be of interest to local
collectors or retailers of that species (eg. darter, dace, chub, etc.)?
Any reply would be helpful. Cheers. Orion Wilson
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