Sajjad Lateef wrote:
>In order to protect email addresses on the NANFA email archive
>from being harvested by spammers, it was suggested that we modify
>the email addresses in the archive in a manner to make it
>hard or impossible for spammers to get at them.
>We need to get the opinion of NANFA mailing list members first.
>Please send feedback on the following questions to both
> and peter.unmack at
>(offlist messages, please - comments will be summarized
>and presented on the list later)
>1. Should we be protecting the email addresses from spammers?
> Yes/No
>2. If so, should be modify them so that they are still
> understandable by humans?
> i.e. becomes
> 2a. sajjadlateef fishy.fishy (easy)
> 2b. sajjadlateef fishy.fishy yahoo.ocm (harder, com -> ocm)
>3. Make last part of email address un-understandable?
> i.e. becomes
> 3a. sajjadlateef_at_......... or sajjadlateef_emailhidden
>4. Remove the email address totally?
> i.e. becomes
> 4a. _email_address_hidden_
>A prompt response would be appreciated.
>(A short 1 line message like: "Yes and I like option X"
> or "No, don't bother." is sufficient. It's easier on us)
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