> >I am surprised you use water from your hot water tap at all. Hot water is
> >usually full of metallic contaminates.
> I question this. Why would it have more contaminants than cold water,
> unless such materials were present in your hot water heater?
Actually there are heavy metals present in your hot water tank. They are
often galvanized and the hot water leaches out the metals in the solder joints and
such much faster than cold water. Also Hot water sits in the tank for many
hours exposed to the heat and corrosive water. In a hot water tank you have many
sources of metal ions, zinc, lead, tin, just to name a few.
> > That is why you should never drink water
> >from the hot water faucet. You can actually get poisoned by hot water if
> you
> >drink it regularly. People who use it to make coffee, tea or other
> beverages
> >have come down with heavy metal poisoning.
You got me on this one, I can't give a reference to specific incidence, just
a warning from the company I used to work for about the dangers of heavy
metals in hot water I had to pass along to the employees. I was a safety supervisor
for my shift in the yarn plant and I had to pass along various tid bits like
this from time to time. Another good one is to avoid heating up Teflon coated
pans (I worked for the king of safety, E. I. DuPont) they announced that on
world news tonight the other day. I thought every one already knew that one but
evidently not. DuPont told their employees that many years ago.
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