mcclurg luke e (
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 18:17:49 -0600 (CST)

> Now the other side of the coin on this issue that bothers me. What is
> actually being done to protect these fish, other than "you can't catch any
> and keep them"? That really doesnt help them in my opinion. What does is
> habitat protection, reestablishing habitat, and putting these fish back in
> areas that they may have been pushed from for one reason or another. you
> can lock all these fish away so no one can touch them, but they will still
> die out if they haven't a home.

Some of us ARE trying to save the species. Ufortunately, others who think
"their" way is the only way belittle those of us who are actually trying
to do something about it instead of sitting on our behinds and scolding
other and polishing our ivory towers. Ray, that's not directed at you by
any means. You are a dedicated breeder, and there are a lot of us out
there. You are absolutely right that the key is habitat restoration.
These species must have a place to live in the wild. I don't think we
will ever return some to their full range, but we can re-establish SOME
range for them. But what to do in the interim? Captive propagation is
still in my honest opinion the best way to save some crittically
endangereed in point, the California Condor...but that is
an extreme case.

A policy of "don't tough regardless" is utter foolishness and arrogance in
my opinion. I know some will say that "science" or "professionals" are
the only ones qualified to tackle these problems...rubbish! Most can't
even agree enough to come up with a consensus as to what needs to be done,
let alone taking the action to accomplish it. I applaud the amatuer
naturalists among us and wish to enocurage them to keep up the good work.
Only, be sure to obey the law. And if you don't like the law, work to
change it.


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