RE: NANFA-- Worst environmental disasters?

Jay DeLong (
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 12:45:42 -0700

> I am probably risking getting slammed and this may not be discrete enough
> but... in my opinion, the greatest disaster has been the development of
> vaccines and cures for diseases and other technological advances
> which have
> further removed humans from the forces of natural selection thereby
> increasing life spans and birth rates and decreasing mortality
> which has led
> to our overwhelming over population problem and all of the associated
> environmental effects.
> Rob Denkhaus

I don't think Grandma would take too well to being left for the wolves :-)
, but I sure agree it's puzzling that we can become so technologically
removed from nature yet not acknowledge the immense responsibilities that go
with it, or even worse-- to state that such progress is somehow "natural",
and that the rest of nature should adapt.

Jay DeLong
Olympia, WA
where it seems the rains have finally arrived; see you in April...

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