NANFA-- FWD: Pupfish symposium Webpage---at last!

Christopher Scharpf (
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 20:15:31 -0400

Version 1.0 of the pupfish symposium webpage is, at last, up and running.
Please check it out! I would appreciate links from other websites, where
appropriate, and I offer apologies in advance for any duplications and
cross listings in this mailing. The URL is:

To those of you who attended the symposium and remember my rash promise to
have this page up by the end of summer, let me just say that I have
discovered that the old saying, "If you really want something done, ask a
busy man to do it" doesn't apply in my case!

The reason I label this as "version 1.0" is that I hope to add more stuff,
particularly to the photo gallery, as time and resources permit. This is
the "bare bones" version. I wanted to get it up and running with what I
consider the core information, the symposium abstracts and related
materials, without further delay. As usual, any suggestions will be much


Bruce J. Turner
Assoc. Professor of Biology
VPISU, Blacksburg, VA 24061

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