And of course, I'd be more than glad to open up my home for any meeting. Eric
Massengil may be as well, as he lives *right* off I-75 and very close to the
water action in these parts.
It would also be really really really cool if we could organize an
Ohio-Michigan meeting each year as well. There's plenty of water in the
Toledo / Ann Arbor / South Suburban Detroit area to hit :)
If accomodations/camping will be a pain for a full weekender(there's not good
camping right here)... We can always throw up some tents in my back yard. :)
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Carillio
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 1:08 PM
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making Saturday's NANFA
outing a success!!! I want to extend extra special thanks to Dan and
Michelle for their hospitality and effort to round up all the areas we
sampled that day and getting the cooperation of property owners. They
couldn't have done a better job!
With that said, I am hyped up for more, soooo.... I have a proposal for Ohio
NANFAN'S Mark Binkley and I spoke about having at least one monthly
meeting. This meeting can be a simple stream outing hosted by anyone who
wants to take the liberty to gain permission to access a stream, or even
a session of watching fish related video material and a lunch on crappy
weather days as mark and I discussed.
To make this possible, we need those who want to participate in hosting such
outings, to make the announcements at least two weeks in advance... What we
could do is just plan on making it a designated day each month like an
aquarium club does... It can be held in Nick's neck of the woods in the
Cleveland area, Matt Ashton has suggested his area as well....
Also, Toledo area sounds good for those to the west... We can just keep
rotating the sites. We can even plan on picking certain places around the
state to meet and stream sample, as long as whoever wants to take the liberty
to host said event, has permission to do so.
Mark Smith, of Columbus Ohio, can be a possible host for that area. Mark,
you hear this?... I'll forward this to him... Ok.. that's all for now, so
about seeing some input and suggestions?????... Any takers???. Do you guys
think this is a good idea?... In the past, I attempted to do this through
the short lived Buckeye NANFA Report Regional Announcement letter, but there
did not seem to be much interest. Perhaps times have changed since '96-'98,
All right now.... Sound off!!!
Rob C.
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