Yes, and they're not even neoprene! :)
Unfortunately, Mister Binkley took a dip *early* in the outing (like a bum on
the bottom, water in the top, you can't do nuthin' about it kind of fall)...
Last week Eric slipped forward. Week before that, Rob was slappin' all around
the creek. I *completely* bit it out on the exposed algaified bedrock last
weekend (and in front of an audience of course), but I think since it seems
I'm due for a submariner excursion, I'll just wait til next May to go out
again. ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Stallsmith
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Hawg Sucker?
That's a honkin' hogsucker, and a Northern one at that. We caught several
Alabama hogsuckers in the Little Cahaba south of Birmingham three weeks ago
and they really _did_ have a distinctly orange mouth/sucker area, along with
the ventral fins (as well as a distinctly flat top of the head between the
eyes). And I'm glad Mark B. was in chest waders in the picture, this time of
year it's socially acceptable to use waders(!).
--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "Crail, Todd" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: NANFA-- Hawg Sucker?
>Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 08:36:37 -0500
>Mark and I went out yesterday... More details to come as I have time to
>it up.
>However, I thought you all might be interested in this shot. We wondered
>where we could collect our Fish Ohio awards at... :)
>My President is Bruce Stallsmith.
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