Ghanzanfar Ghori, in particular, had wanted to pick up some grass (or ghost)
shrimp, probably Palaemonetes paludosus [see photo at]
These were pretty numerous in Unicorn Lake when I went there a couple of
years ago, in Northern Queene Anne's county, about 45 minutes north of the
Bay Bridge on the Eastern Shore.
Unicorn and nearby creeks also have margined madtoms
and bluespotted sunfish
both small fish suitable for a freshwater tank. Bluespots, though, usually
don't tanke pellets or flakes. Madtoms are really shy and a little
venomous, but aren't fussy.
Other possible trips could be a return to Little Bennett Creek in
Clarskburg, MD, for fantail darters and rosyside dace
or another angling trip to Pennyfield Lock, North of Potomac, Maryland, for
longear sunfish
Likewise, I'd like to do some baitshop collecting for golden shiners
Ray and Ty on the NANFA list just told me that these do a good job of
cleaning up brush algae and duckweek and probably wouldn't bother my
Valisneria, java fern, or aponegeton. The only place I know of that still
sells them is Old Reisterstown Bait and tackle, an exit or two north of the
Aquarium Center off 695, outside Baltimore.
We could probably shoot for a trip next Saturday or Sunday, if there's
enough interest.
Let me know,
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