--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>we also encountered a 12 freshwater mussel species...
>elktoe (Alasmidonta marginata)
>flutedshell (Lasmigona costata)
>giant floater (Pyganodon grandis)
>creeper (Strophitus undulatus)
>threeridge (Amblema plicata)
>Wasbash pigtoe (Fusconaia flava)
>pimpleback (Quadrula pustulosa)
>pistolgrip (Tritogonia verrucosa)
>plain pocketbook (Lampsilis caridum)
>wavyrayed lampmussel (Lampsilis fasciola) - a state listed species
>fat mucket (L. siliquoidea)
>lilliput (Toxolasma parvus)
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