> Moon, I believe the "shark" is actually nothing more then an "Albino" type
> color
> morph of the common Channel Cat and not really a "true" tropical.
Well first off it's not an albino and it's not a channel catfish which I am
very familiar with. It is an iridescent shark, about 10" long. I've had it for
several years, I rescued it from a pet shop that had it in a 10 gallon tank
from where someone had traded it in. the original person had it for about 5
years. for some reason it never grew any bigger even though it spends every summer
in a 300 gallon pond and winters in my 150 tank. I wish I knew what made it
stay small. Every time I tell someone that big fish do not stay small when kept
in a small tank I have think of this fish and wonder if I am telling the real
truth. usually in the fall it has been exposed to temps in the mid 60's but
this year the pond has dropped into the mid 50's. I plan to take it out this
weekend when I set up my 150.
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