It's pretty decent, but, I wish the handline was longer. Easiest
way to catch shiners, ever.
Also, you have to either weave the handline end through your
fingers or make a loop to hold on to. When thrown as far out
as possible, the weight of the hoop may jerk the handline
out of your hand. If you do loose it, pray that you have a
long fishing rod and an experienced fisherman to hook the
net back out :)
--- Chip Rinehart <> wrote:
> Dustin Smith and I had the chance to make a quick trip to the SC
> upstate
> Sunday morning and I was able to try out the shiner scoop I got from
> BG. On
> the first throw I pulled in some nice red-finned yellowfin shiners
> (Notropis
> lutipinnis). We took turns tossing it and pulling it in, finding
> more
> yellowfins, as well as some stunningly colored fieryblacks
> (Cyprinella
> pyrrhomelas) and rosyface chubs (Hybopsis rubifrons), which were
> immediately
> released as we were only after fieryblack and yellowfin shiners.
-- Sajjad Lateef e-mail: Note: Any e-mail to me with my first name in Subject or without a subject line is automatically filtered out and discarded as s p a m . /----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /"Unless stated otherwise, comments made on this list do not necessarily / reflect the beliefs or goals of the North American Native Fishes / Association" / This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes Association / To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get help, send the word / subscribe, unsubscribe, or help in the body (not subject) of an email to / For a digest version, send the command to / instead. / For more information about NANFA, visit our web page,