Similar to what Ron stated below, I just recently scored on eBay,
4 copies of fisheries surveys done in Massachusetts from 1942 to 1952. I
got them at .99 each too! They are broken down by region, e.g.: eastern
lakes, ponds and reservoirs; lakes and ponds of north central
Massachusetts; fisheries reports for Plymouth, Berkshire and Barnstable
Counties, etc..
They were done, it seems, to figure out how each body of water
should be managed in regards to gamefish species. However, a near
complete fish fauna survey was done in each body of water investigated,
as well as other information such as depth, acreage, fish stocking
history, etc.
Really interesting books, surveys that I would love to see done
now. Obviously a fisheries survey done in the late 40's - early 50's is
now an outdated reference for most intents and purposes. With the
introduction of non-native species, restoration of anadramous fish runs,
water quality issues, and stocking, one realizes that new surveys must be
conducted, and new material published.
Rick Rego
MA/New England Reg. Rep.
On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 02:20:30 -0500 "Ron Anderson" <>
> I have a book published in 1977 called "Fisheries Investigations and
> Management in Rhode Island Lakes and Ponds", put out by the RI F&W.
> This book is fantastic, with surveys of every body of water found in
> my state. Depth chart maps and line graphs on total alkalinity,
> dissolved oxygen, pH, and temp from 0 ft to the bottom are included
> for each pond along with a table of "species captured, observed, or
> stocked" in each. Of course it is mainly game type fish, but the
> table does include golden shiner and brindle shiner. I don't think
> they put stuff like this out anymore.
> ------------
> Ron Anderson
> Warwick, RI
> alt email:
> --------- Original Message ---------
> DATE: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 21:21:39
> From: "R. W. Wolff" <>
> To: <>
> Cc:
> >I know, according to dot maps in various publications, the same
> could be
> >said about any water way away from major metro areas in Wisconsin
> as well. I
> >wonder , really, how many rural areas have been properly sampled,
> and when
> >sampled, given a fair go? This could account for the "phenomana" of
> non game
> >fish ranges extending over the past few years. Just 40 years ago
> official
> >publications put out by the state labeled any fish other than big
> game
> >speices as plain forage. Sometimes the detailed descriptions would
> mention
> >sunfish species other than bluegill, pumpkinseed, rock bass, and
> the two
> >crappies. Even there that was a rare occassion. Unfortunatly, these
> nice
> >publications are no longer made, let alone in print. Even though
> non game
> >info was lacking, the information about the water was incredible. I
> am
> >referring to the " Surface water Resources of "X" County" Series of
> the mid
> >to late 60's. I am lucky enough to have a copy of my and some
> surrounding
> >counties.
> >Ray
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