Snapping turtles are a Little different in their requirements than most
turtles. They almost never bask, seldom swim, and leave the water only to
eggs and to move from one pond to another. When they move over land they
almost always do so in the rain or at night. The best time to find snappers
traveling overland is after a hard rain, they can be found struggling to
cross highways and other barriers after or in the rain. Snappers don't deal
well with drying out and it should be avoided, direct sun is also avoided.
Adult snappers will eat fleshy plants and are the cause of many Lilly pads
being cut off at the base. The best food is whole minnows, crayfish, and
chicken liver. In the wild adults snapper eat a large amount of carrion and
were used at one time to find drowning victims by tying a rope to a large
snapper and releasing it close to where the person had disappeared the
snapper would later be found feeding on the corpse.
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