Re: NANFA-- Re: snapping turtles
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 22:36:55 EDT
i would have to reason most predators are opportunists and will eat carrion
when available.
as to turtles eating live food... ive seen video of turtles pulling down
paddling birds ( grusome indeed ) & baby ducklings. a little snapping turtle
i kept once ate an anole that fell into the water in my vivarium. and the
alligator snapper lures prey w/ his pink tongue/appendage.
turtles eating carrion... while snorkling ive seen turtles eating dead
fish... did they catch it?.. i dont think so... the fish were not very fresh
looking. turtles often take bait from a fisherman, lures,etc. and my
softshell pancake and musk turtle don't molest the fish but eat the dried
krill and turtle pellets. if they got hungry enough tho... watch out im sure.
moon's bit on lasooing a snapper and sending him for a search & swim is
interesting... even more the india rivers import. yeow wow. yea them cajun
snappers been fatten up real fine in the ganges. ya want another bite bobby
no sir re bob.
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