Re: NANFA--Anti-animal bumper stickers

R. W. Wolff (
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 21:51:14 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: <>

> this list because we like native fish and want to protect them (I assume)
> we shouldn't be dividing ourselves along philosphical lines, we should be
> glad that so many different people are on this list and are interested in
> native fishes.

This makes for interesting reading, nothing could be accomplished if we were
all identical and in lock step. Non personel, confrontation makes us all
think. Personal attacks on the other hand does close ears and open mouths,
mine included. I am sure some are turned off by this confrontation, ( read
the subject line and delete, alright) but that is how I believe things get
done. If everyone went wild one way or the other ( let so called "evil
corporations" pave, drain , slash and burn the entire world, or let the
"evil big government " fence off the entire world) it would be sad either
way. Getting all veiw points heard I think is consturctive and a learning


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