Re: NANFA-- Yougottabecrazy

Edward Venn (
Sun, 23 Sep 2001 11:56:38 +0000

The little yellow rubber ducks are good.

such as wrapping my body w/ a multitude of those little yellow bathtub
rubber ducks and a roll of duck tape

BTW it's duck season in Ontario and my Uncle Ken owns a vinyard and some
orchard on the Niagara Penninsula by Niagara-on-the-Lake and he'd definitely
draw a bead on those ducks. How are you at dodging #12 buckshot?

Tokyo Japan

>Hate to sound redundant, but, did you go over the main, the BIG, the
>really TALL, NIAGARA Falls and survived? You gotta be kidding me!
>Those guys who went over the Falls in a barrel have all died.
>On Thu, 20 Sep 2001 wrote:
> > << Going over the Horseshoe Falls? Ok Evel Kneivel, what's next?
> > with river dolphins in the Ganges River?
> >
> > Ed
> > Tokyo Japan >>
> >
> > NO NO... i didnt intentionaly go over. i definitly would never dare the
> > as a real daredevil. i just got caught up in my darter viewing
>activities and
> > was swept downstream past the tourists and park rangers. if i had
>intended to
> > go over i would have done some advance prep work... such as wrapping my
> > w/ a multitude of those little yellow bathtub rubber ducks and a roll of
> > tape. obviously better safe than sorry.
> > i did a couple interviews today... im feeling better but still a bit
> > in the bones.
> > casper...
> > btw... isnt the ganges in india? river dolpins... hmmm....
> >
> >
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