BTW, have you ever been able to photograph your reef ? I don't remember
seeing pics or a link.
kahley wrote:
> At 10:57 AM 9/2/02 -0500, John Bongiovanni wrote:
>> I know nothing about mussels but I do have a couple of very neophyte
>> questions.
>> 1. Does opening the shell kill the mussel? If so...
>> 2. Is there a "treatment" that will relax the animal that will allow
>> opening of the shell without trauma?
>> Kahley,
>> Have you noted the presence of any of the freshwater sponges on your
>> reef.
> Never knew there was such a thing! Google shows me
> I haven't seen anything like that ...but this
> Maybe....but I'd just assume it was algae. There were a couple other
> pics listed from some place call <BG> but they came up 404ed
> ;*)
>> Those might be kinda cool to watch especially if they are native to
>> your area.
>> John
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