>> Come on over. We haven't seen you this side of FL
>> since the Oke trip.
I know, and I feel real bad about it. I've managed to squeeze in a couple of
solo local trips during the summer, but have been waaaaay busier than I
thought I was going to be. And now we're in football season, to be followed
shortly by the basketball season ... there's a lot of things to be scheduled
around during the fall. For example, I have been instructed most strongly that
leaving town for the weekend at the same time that the Univ. of Miami is
rolling in is NOT an option. To be more precise, not an option compatible
with continued married life.
Almost wish you hadn't mentioned it, now I'm all depressed, just thinking
about the lost opportunities. On the other hand, even I have trouble killing
'em off as fast as I can catch 'em if I put my mind to it ... I don't know how
you fellers (and ladies) who spend more time in the field "sampling" do it.
Doug "homebody" Dame
Interlachen FL
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