Perhaps would should come up with a NANFA "politics" list?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Scharpf" <>
To: "NANFA e-mail list" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 6:45 PM
Subject: NANFA-- an URGENT plea
> It's interesting to see the evolution of an e-mail thread. What started
> as a post from Stott Noble informing MS Fish Camp attendees of local
> Wal-Marts where they can buy a fishing license is now a lengthy Jeff
> Fullerton exegesis on the evils of Big Government. Who knows where it will
> go next?
> So please, PLEASE, let's keep this list a friendly, civil place that's
> FISH and take the political discussions -- fascinating though they are,
> exceedingly polite and well-presented (so far) -- elsewhere. Let's
> that people join this list to chat and learn about native fish. And
> the occasional detour is unavoidable (and often quite enlightening), the
> past has demonstrated just how easily these off-topic discussions can turn
> ugly and cause people to drop from the list (and often from NANFA!).
> Now if you'll excuse me, I need to jump in my 4x4, drive 2 blocks to
> Wal-Mart, and buy a copy of Aldo Leopold's "A Sand County Almanac."
> Thanks muchly,
> Chris Scharpf
> Baltimore
> P.S. If you need to reply to this e-mail, please do it off-list by
> directly to me. Thanks again.
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