Chris Scharpf
> From:
> Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 7:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Unusual information about gar.
> Thought your group might be interested in knowing about a fish my son
> caught: a 4 foot long gar that is solid gold/orange and white. NOT the
> usual gar colors.
> I called a fish research lab here in Oklahoma and they told me that they had
> seen the same color pattern on trout, catfish, and black fish, and it was a
> genetic mutation caused by lack of certain colors in the cells.
> Anyway, I imagine not many other people have caught a gar of that color: it
> was a real shock seeing a 4 foot long alligator gar that is colored like a
> tropical goldfish from a pet store!!!!
> My son took picture and is having it mounted. If he ever catches another,
> he hopes he can keep it alive somehow.
> Mrs. Price,
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