<< Moon, I have one word for you: Florida. (This includes fish farmers too,
I said that Florida was an exception but even there damage is often
exaggerated and Florida releases their own exotics for fishermen too. Can we
say Peacock Bass? and fish farmers in many more places than Florida are
responsible for exotic releases and I don't mean aquarium exotics either.
Some parts of Florida are warm enough for some tropicals to establish
themselves there but the ones that have are mostly escapees from fish farms
not John Doe releasing his aquarium pets. My whole point here is that
aquarium keepers are getting far too much of the blame because we are easy
targets and tropical fish stand out more than fish from say the Mississippi
River system being released in Atlantic slope streams. but the damage is just
as bad if not worse but everyone seems to forget those releases and there are
plenty of releases from other continents to keep them company all courtesy of
our local government. But God help us all if a neon tetra gets dumped in a
ditch, we could all loose the right to keep fish at all.
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