----- Original Message -----
From: <Prizma_at_aol.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- wintering darters outside
> i appreciate all the good advice and many new options are now being
> considered in my overworked mind :)
> being concerned about the constant temperature swings outside on the patio
> from day to day and day to night i'm sure the temp fluctuation would be
> on a darter trying to survive the winter. nature's rivers and streams
> provides a much more stable temperature and the darters can seek out
> locations they are most comfortable with.
> jeff's suggestion of putting them in my converted concrete swimming pool
> native fish habitat... but not exactly. my desire is to be able to observe
> them... thus the glass aquarium on the back patio. however if i was to
> water from the pool through the aquarium ( and i could insulate 3 sides
> the bottom ) the temperature would be fairly stable, provide constant
> flow and still allow me to observe them. i think this is the ticket. i
> not plumbed or ported a glass tank tho so will now have to research how to
> that! any ideas?
> i may not need a heater then since i will be inflowing water constantly
> the swimming pools depths. moving water does not freeze. ? but if it does
> then ellen's and ray's heater suggestions may resolve that.
> i could use this setup for a variety of experiments and observations!
> even bringing a tank into the house that is ported to the pool outside,
> constantly inflowing cool, cold outside water. problems such as
> could become an issue tho.
> on another note that ray brought up...
> i have been wanting to play with temperature sensors in the pool placed at
> different depths. the pool's shallows got quite warm, even hot this
> above 90 which seemed to enhance algae growth. im working on a shading
> structure for next year and more plants. when i snorkled to the pool's 9'
> depths the temperature did not seem to change much. still tho certain
> resided there during the hotter days. it would be nice to get about 3
> temperature locations. outflow from the riffle run, 2' from the bottom and
> below surface and note the range.
> it's a grand experiment. it is a lot of fun to snorkle in your aquarium.
> water was clear nearly all year. the worse problems were the algae mats
> high temps. still tho most of my species florished, fattened and grew and
> several species even reproduced. next year should be better as more plants
> establish themselves.
> thank you for the advice. now how do i drill holes and port these 2 29
> tanks. :)
> casper
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