-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nanfa_at_aquaria.net On Behalf
Of John Bongiovanni
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 10:56 AM
To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Public Aquarium closing
That's a shame. There is a big hole in the DFW area now for public
aquaria. I've averaged two visits a year to the Dallas Aquarium. It
was small, and obviously under funded, but it was better than anything I
had at home. I hope a solution will in the future will address this
need. One that can be somewhat self sustaining.
Denkhaus, Robert wrote:
>FYI for anyone who keeps up with such things.
>I recently was told by an employee of the Dallas Aquarium at Fair Park that
>the facility will be closing. It appears to be mostly financial (Dallas is
>having a rough time of it financially speaking) and partly because the
>Aquarium could keep the Dallas Zoo from maintaining its American Zoo and
>Aquarium (AZA) accreditation. We lost the Fort Worth Zoo's aquarium
>this year.
>Rob Denkhaus
>Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
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