Re: NANFA-- Youth and Fish Worship
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:55:03 -0700 (PDT)
Get them in a steep sidded creek with snakes to the
front , snakes to the left , snakes to the right and
two slow guys to the rear . Or tell the guy who was
weeding his water lillys
--- wrote:
> I don't really worship fish, but I have noticed most
> people my age (20's) don't care enough to learn the
> scientific name of a bass. Let alone gather with
> other people for the sole purpose of learning about
> and discussing fish. Most people my age are never
> even around any bodies of water, unless there is
> some kind of water sport going on. Lets face it,
> this is the extreme sports generation, and
> hogsuckers and darters just don't provide the
> adrenaline. Today it rained for several hours
> before finally letting up so I could go outside and
> hike the half mile trail to Coldwater Spring.
> Nature is highly under-rated with today's youth.
> Jon
> Hanson
> Anniston, AL
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Bill Hoppe
Yellville Arkansas
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