NANFA-- Xtreme Fish Seining!
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 00:03:19 -0400
Why haven't I thought of filming some extreme seining before?? Actually, some of the creek here in Coldwater is quite deep and would be great for some underwater action shots! I snorkel in the creek whenever it is warm enough (they don't call it Coldwater creek for nuthin!) and the sights are really great. The location of the spring in this little valley makes for great diversity indeed! So much so that I discover species I didn't know of thriving right in my back yard regularly. Ever since Jim Williams sent me his pamphlet on the pygmy sculpins, I have been increasingly interested in the biodiversity here. I know of 12 species that are very common: Lampetra aepyptera, Esox niger, Hypentelium etowanum, Campostoma anomalum, Notropis chrosomus, Gambusia affinis, good ol Micropterus salmoides, Lepomis cyanellus & macrochirus & microlophus, Etheostoma ditrema, Esox americanus. These are all confirmed, but I think Etheostoma coosae has been introduced as well. Also my grandfat
her says he knows he has seen Percina nigrofasciata as well. Which leads me to believe that the spring here must be connected to the coosa river system. But I have had some trouble ID'ing a few other species present in the spring itself, not the creek, I've been told they are Cottus carolinae zopherus!?!?! Never heard of those. And also some kind of hogsuckers are really thriving. Maybe Alabama hogsucker?
Let me know when details of the B'ham trip come into the clear, and if Coldwater becomes a stop on the trip, be sure and bring some water quality testing thingies.. I've been wondering about this water's purity for quite awhile with Anniston Army Depot so close by and all..
The youngun
ps. what exactly must one do to become a "member" of Nanfa?
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