Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485
><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From:
><)> On Behalf
><)> Of Christopher Scharpf
><)> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:20 PM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: Re: NANFA-- longnose sucker ref
><)> > I was thinking that any fish with the greatest
><)> natural NA distribution
><)> > would probably have cold water requirements.
><)> And all of the leading candidates do. Lota lota.
><)> Catostomus catostomus.
><)> Catostomus commersoni. Esox lucius. Rhinichthys
><)> cataractae. Couesius
><)> plumbeus.
><)> > Anyway, since you're all serious and scientific
><)> about it, here's a source for
><)> > the burbot's cold water requirements:
><)> >
><)> > 1970. Plant, R., Page, J., et al. Whole Lota
><)> Love ("You need coolin', baby I
><)> > ain't foolin' "), Led Zeppelin II, Swan Song
><)> Records, London.
><)> Ha! I think I just found the epigraph to my burbot chapter!
><)> Anyhow, here's what Tim Berra -- author of
><)> *Freshwater Fish Distribution* --
><)> has to say:
><)> "Both L. lota and C. catostomus certainly have
><)> extensive native
><)> distributions in NA. I would also consider C.
><)> commersoni as a candidate for
><)> most widespread. Likewise Aplodinotus grunniens
><)> has the largest latitudinal
><)> range of any North American freshwater fish from
><)> Hudson Bay to Guatemala.
><)> "What you could do is calculate the area of the
><)> distribution from same-scale
><)> maps such as those found in Becker's Fishes of
><)> Wisconsin. There is a map
><)> tool with a little wheel that runs around the
><)> distribution and you can read
><)> off the area or distance around, I think. Let me
><)> know if you calculate the
><)> largest distribution. I'm betting on C. commersoni."
><)> I don't have one of these maps tools, but
><)> eye-balling the maps says...
><)> Too close to call!
><)> Chris
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