--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
**Please Distribute Widely** **Apologies for Cross
SEEC 2004
5-7 MARCH 2004
We invite all undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral researchers in
ecology, evolution, environmental sciences, limnology, forestry, fisheries,
marine sciences, and other related fields to submit abstracts for either
oral or poster presentations at the 1st Annual Southeastern Ecology and
Evolution Conference (SEEC) to be held March 5-7, 2004, at the Georgia
Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. SEEC is a product of similar
conferences currently held in the northeast (NEEC) and the midwest (MEEC),
and these conferences are professional meetings intended for students in the
environmental sciences to present their research to their colleagues in a
comfortable, fun, and low stress environment. Such events are designed to
encourage new friendships within our field and to share newly developed
research ideas for feedback. While we expect most SEEC participants to be
from the Southeast, we encourage and welcome all interested individuals to
submit abstracts and/or attend.
SEEC 2004 homepage: http://www.biology.gatech.edu/SEEC/SEEC.html
To encourage attendance, registration is FREE and covers meeting attendance,
two continental breakfasts, snacks, coffee, and a t-shirt! If funds are
available, awards for both the best oral and poster presentations will be
given. There will also be tables from sponsors, including publishers,
supply companies, and other organizations (see our web site for a complete
list of sponsors). The registration and abstract submission deadline is
January 31, 2004, and may be completed at the following web site:
We are pleased to announce that our keynote speaker is Dr. Mark E. Hay,
Teasley Professor of Environmental Sciences at the Georgia Institute of
Technology. After receiving his B.A. in Zoology and Philosophy from the
University of Kentucky, Dr. Hay completed his Ph.D. at the University of
California at Irvine where he studied the role of herbivores in structuring
coral reef communities. Dr. Hay joined the faculty at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Institute of Marine Sciences, and during his
17 years at UNC-CH, he developed research programs on the ecology and
evolution of tropical and temperate reefs and on chemically-mediated
interactions in marine versus terrestrial and temperate versus tropical
systems. In 1999, Dr. Hay joined the School of Biology at the Georgia
Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. While at the Georgia Institute
of Technology, Dr. Hay has been instrumental in the development of the new
Center of Aquatic Chemical Ecology which is well funded by grants from NSF
via an Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training grant.
The Georgia Institute of Technology is located in midtown Atlanta, Georgia
and is convenient to numerous hotels, restaurants, music venues, and bars
(to see what's happening in Atlanta, check out these sites
atlanta.creativeloafing.com, www.accessatlanta.com and www.citysearch.com).
We have reserved rooms at three reasonably priced hotels near the university
at special rates - so reserve your room before they are gone. Additionally,
Atlanta has a subway/bus system for easy travel within the city.
Registration, abstract submission, travel/lodging information, and contact
information may all be found at the SEEC web site:
SEEC 2004 homepage: http://www.biology.gatech.edu/SEEC/SEEC.html
Please forward this message to interested students! SEEC flyers are also
available on the SEEC homepage and we strongly encourage its posting in
conspicuous locations!
We look forward to seeing you at the Georgia Institute of Technology for the
1st Annual Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference this March!
Alan Wilson - alan.wilson_at_biology.gatech.edu
SEEC Organizing Committee Chair
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