Bob Sinclair
Santa Barbara
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Ravenous Sunnies - Scientists to Probe Sunfish, Mosquitos
By JAY LINDSAY, Associated Press Writer
BOSTON - The tenacity with which the banded sunfish devours mosquito
larvae is described by scientist Bill Mebane by evoking an image of a
starving man set loose in a yard buried in popcorn.
The banded sunfish is so ravenous that some scientists think it could
the perfect mosquito killing machine, potentially putting a major dent
in the pest's East Coast population.
This summer, researchers at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods
Hole revived dormant research into using the fish for mosquito
The fish could infiltrate remote areas that are difficult to reach
the larvicide widely used today, providing more effective control for
less money and blunting the reach of mosquito-borne diseases like the
West Nile virus. [And so on...SNIP]
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