"Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS" wrote:
> Jan responds:
> <snip>
> ...and on a personal note....
> Tyler Strange (LA-NANFA member), Dena (my wife) and I were in a large pet
> outlet Sunday afternoon when a woman came in carrying two plastic tropical
> fish bags The kind used for guppies, gouramies, and mollies). Each
> contained a large (175-200 mm) pacu. She asked the clerk if the store would
> take them back so she would not have to let them go. The store said "no."
> We said "yes." I ran (literally) to the nearby discount store to buy a
> large cooler. Dena and Tyler stayed in the pet store, went to the equine
> department, pulled a horse-manure tub off the shelf, filled it with aquarium
> water, and put the fish in it. I came back (winded), transferred the fish
> to the cooler. That evening, we set them up at Waterways Experiment Station
> in a flume that is currently inhabited by some other South American fishes
> we have recently collected in the southern United States.
> The woman in the pet store had bought the pacu, along with two oscars, when
> they were small, and stocked a 55-gal tank with them. In a little over a
> year, they were too large for the aquarium and she did not know what to do
> with them. To her credit, she tried to find a home for them, but had
> someone not been there to take them, and explain why you cannot release
> exotic fish, they may have been prowling the Pearl River.
> Mississippi has the distinction of quite a few recent pacu records (5 from
> the Pascagoula River!). This is how they get there.
> Clearly, the message of not releasing exotic fishes is not getting through
> to the general public.
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