Here's what John sent me, in no particular order:
- Recovery Plans for:
Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta Native Fishes (1996)
San Marcos River Endangered and Threatened Species (1985)
Virgin River Fishes (Woundfin and Virgin River Chub) (1995)
Fishes of the Rio Yaqui (Yaqui Chub, Yaqui Topminnow, Yaqui Catfish,
Beautiful Shiner) (1995)
Endangered and Threatened Species of Ash Meadows, Nevada (1990)
Railroad Valley Springfish (1996)
Bluemask (=Jewel) Darter (1997)
Leon Springs Pupfish (1985)
Ozark Cavefish (1986)
Bonytail Chub (1990)
Borax Lake Chub (1987)
Chihuahua Chub (1986)
Pahranagat Roundtail Chub (1986)
Mohave Tui Chub (1984)
Humpback Chub (1990)
Conasauga Logperch and Amber Darter (1986)
Spotfin Chub (1983)
Shortnose Sturgeon (1982)
Pallid Sturgeon (1993)
Unarmored Threespine Stickleback (1985)
White River Spinedace (1994)
Big Spring Spinedace (1994)
Bayou Darter (1990)
Moapa Dace (1983)
Clear Creek Gambusia (1982)
Big Bend Gambusia (1984)
Watercress Darter (1993)
Snail Darter (1983)
Slackwater Darter 1984)
Okaloosa Darter 1981)
Blue Shiner (1995)
Colorado Squawfish (1978)
Waccamaw Silverside (1993)
Spikedace (1991)
Woundfin (1985)
Paiute Cutthroat Trout (1985)
Owens Pupfish (1984)
Gila Trout (1993)
Arizona Trout (1979)
Sonoran Topminnow (1984)
Lost River Sucker and Shortnose Sucker (1993)
Niangua Darter (1989)
Devil's Hole Pupfish (1980)
Leopard Darter (1984)
Slender Chub (1983)
Kendall Warm Springs Dace (1982)
Blackside Dace (1988)
Cui-ui (1992)
Duskytail Darter (1994)
Pecos Bluntnose Shiner (1992)
Sonora Chub (1992)
Greenback Cutthroat Trout (1983)
Alabama Cavefish (1985)
Loach Minnow (1991)
Yellowfin Madtom (1983)
Smoky Madtom (1985)
Neosho Madtom (1991)
Pahrump Killifish (1979)
Pecos Gambusia (1981)
Blue Pike (1976)
Pygmy Sculpin (1991)
Cape Fear Shiner (1988)
Warm Springs Pupfish (1976)
Desert Pupfish (1993)
Comanche Springs Pupfish (1981)
- Guidelines for Artificially Spawning Gulf Sturgeon (1993)
- Habitat and Movement of the Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi)
in the Pascagoula River, Mississippi (1993)
Jay DeLong
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