NANFA Membership/Donation Form
Membership costs (US$):
USA = $30/year
Canada = $40/year
All other countries = $60/year
All other countries = $30 US$ / year with electronic only delivery of American Currents (a pdf version will be made available, no hard copy will be delivered)
Mail check or money order, payable to NANFA, to:
9129 Debold Kobel Rd
Pleasant Plain, OH 45162
I wish to pay my membership dues for_______years at $________a year (US$).
(Non-U.S. Members, please send postal money order in U.S. funds.)
This is a (please check one): new membership _____ renewal _____
I would like to make a tax deductible contribution in the amount of $___________
to help fund NANFA's education and conservation activities.
You will receive a receipt for your donation. NANFA's Federal ID number is 52-2313148
Mrs. / Ms. / Mr. / Dr. ________________________________
ZIP CODE____________________COUNTRY (if not USA)_____________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS ____________________________________________________
Please tell us how you heard about us:
We make a membership directory available to NANFA members. This is a way for members to meet
each other.
May we include your address in this directory? _____
May we include your phone number? ______
Which of the following best describes your
involvement with native fishes?
[ ] Aquarium hobbyist
[ ] Professional aquarist (lab or public aquarium)
[ ] Commercial fish breeder
[ ] Pet professional
[ ] Fisheries professional
[ ] Research (university, resource agency, consulting firm, etc.)
[ ] Education (kindergarten, elementary, high school)
[ ] Environmental or conservation activism
[ ] Angling
[ ] Fish, wildlife or conservation officer
[ ] Naturalist (amateur or professional)
[ ] Other:
Which of the following activities do you
participate in? (check all that apply)
[ ] Keep North American fishes in home aquaria
[ ] Keep exotic fishes in home aquaria
[ ] Maintain an outdoor pond
[ ] Breed North American fishes
[ ] Breed exotic fishes
[ ] Collect fishes from the wild
[ ] Observe fishes in the wild
[ ] Scientific research on North American fishes
[ ] Scientific research on exotic fishes
[ ] Fishing for sport/food
[ ] Obtain North American fishes from fellow fish enthusiasts
[ ] Volunteer for environmental organizations
[ ] Other:
Thank you!