Spend the money on getting riparian setbacks issued so developers can't
encroach. Spend the money to get people with large tracts of undistrubed
land rewarded with tax abatements to encourage them to sign on to keep the
land out of production in perpetuity. Spend the money getting ag land within
300 meters of the 30 year flood plain put into retirement.
Riparian easements typically _start_ at 100 meters. Grass buffer strips at
30 meters at intersection with the 1st order stream, and 10 meters through
the course of the field. Part of the agreement is to not take it out of Ag
production ever, if at all, to keep the encroachment of impervious surfaces
away and build cooridoors that benefit terrestrial fauna as well.
Etc etc etc... As opposed to putting species in glass boxes and calling it
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Carillio" <darterman-in-cboss.com>
To: <nanfa-l-in-nanfa.org>
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-L-- Help! Redside Dace Recovery in Ontario
> Part of Todd's comment...
> "Habitat degredation is the problem everywhere, for most all species in
> decline... Why not spend the bucks on the habitats that HAVEN'T been
> degraded, to protect them?"
> This is true Todd, but at the same time, can we expect the undegraded
> to stay their perfect little piece of paradise, if they become surrounded
> degraded area? The way Ohio is being sprawled upon because of outdated
> rule laws that perhaps never really took into account development to the
> current magnitude, what high quality areas we have risk being threatened
> what is surrounding them. These green protected areas are becoming small
> islands amidst being surrounded by concrete. Conservation really needs to
> address both..high quality areas, and the buffers that surround them.
> Rob C.
> Mahining River Drainage
> Ohio, N. A.
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