NANFA-L-- old topic - capsaicin - comments from Liz
Sun, 20 Feb 2005 08:28:43 EST
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> >Bruce, seems like I read that the birds swallow the peppers whole, and so
> >do not release the capsaicin from the peppers until digestion is initiated
> >in the gizzard. Then the capsaicin has the same cathartic effect that it
> >has in people -- that is, the undigested seeds are passed more quickly than
> >they would be if there were no capsaicin involved. The capsaicin
> >stimulates pain receptors in mammals, which masticate the chili berries,
> >but not in birds, which have no teeth. Seems like Jantzen, of University
> >of Pennsylvania (or one of his students) did some work on this with
> >long-billed thrashers in S. Texas and in Arizona, and found that indeed,
> >capsaicin is cathartic in them. These birds eat a lot of peppers where
> >they grow wild as part of the shrub stands in S. Texas. I think that there
> >was even speculation that the chili advertises itself to the birds by its
> >bright colors.
>Birds are not in the least bit effected by capsaicin, neither are iguanas
>they eat lots and lots of peppers in South America and spread the seeds.
I have heard, but am not up on the latest research to be sure, that
supposedly the capsaicin is an adaptation to keep mammals, who apparently
are inferior seed dispersers, from eating the peppers, so that more will be
left for birds to eat. Birds see red well, but many mammals apparently
lack a red cone in their eye and do not.
People who keep parrots often feed dried hot peppers to them and the
parrots do chew them up, apparently with no bad effect. Whatever the
reason is that it doesn't hurt them, it's not because they don't get it on
their tongue and skin, which are very sensitive. Perhaps they don't have
the right kind of receptor in their skin for the capsaicin. Heaven
knows. However, the peppers have successfully trained parrot owners not
to kiss their parrots after such a meal - owza! This was probably not the
evolutionary intent, but the world is pretty messed up nowadays.
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> >Bruce, seems like I read that the birds swallow the peppers=20=
whole, and so
> >do not release the capsaicin from the peppers unti=
l digestion is initiated
> >in the gizzard. Then the capsaici=
n has the same cathartic effect that it
> >has in people -- that is=
, the undigested seeds are passed more quickly than
> >they would b=
e if there were no capsaicin involved. The capsaicin
> >stimu=
lates pain receptors in mammals, which masticate the chili berries,
>but not in birds, which have no teeth. Seems like Jantzen, of Univ=
> >of Pennsylvania (or one of his students) did some work on=
this with
> >long-billed thrashers in S. Texas and in Arizona, and=
found that indeed,
> >capsaicin is cathartic in them. These=20=
birds eat a lot of peppers where
> >they grow wild as part of the s=
hrub stands in S. Texas. I think that there
> >was even specu=
lation that the chili advertises itself to the birds by its
> >brig=
ht colors.
>Birds are not in the least bit effected by capsaic=
in, neither are iguanas
>they eat lots and lots of peppers in South Am=
erica and spread the seeds.
I have heard, but am not up on the la=
test research to be sure, that
supposedly the capsaicin is an adaptation=
to keep mammals, who apparently
are inferior seed dispersers, from eati=
ng the peppers, so that more will be
left for birds to eat. Birds=20=
see red well, but many mammals apparently
lack a red cone in their eye a=
nd do not.
People who keep parrots often feed dried hot peppers to them a=
nd the
parrots do chew them up, apparently with no bad effect. Wha=
tever the
reason is that it doesn't hurt them, it's not because they don=
't get it on
their tongue and skin, which are very sensitive. Perh=
aps they don't have
the right kind of receptor in their skin for the cap=
saicin. Heaven
knows. However, the peppers have succes=
sfully trained parrot owners not
to kiss their parrots after such a meal=
- owza! This was probably not the
evolutionary intent, but=20=
the world is pretty messed up nowadays.
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