In regard to the capitalization of families, I should point out that
even if ASIH does not require caps on families, most other texts do
capitalize families.(Diversity of Fishes Helfman et al., Fishes of Tenn,
just to name a few). Also, I do believe Transactions of AFS requires
caps on family. The exception I believe is if you are refering an
"ictalurid" instead of family Ictaluridae. Point being, just be mindful
of where you are writing to......
John Knight
South ATL. GA On the the beautiful Hooch and Tallapoosa Rivers
Graduate Research Assistant
Alabama Cooperative Fisheries and Wildlife Unit
103 Swingle Hall
Auburn AL, 36849
Phone(cell): (706) 424-2495
Phone(work): (334) 844-9318
Fax: (334) 844-9208
Alt email:
>>> peter.lists-in-01/20/05 2:30 PM >>>
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 wrote:
> Sorry one more thing, should "Family" be capitalized? (ex. Family
> Ampullaridae)
Family is not capitalized. Fish common names are now capitalized by
when published in Copeia. But, I don't think anyone else does this yet.
The easiest way to get taxonomic information is to either look at and search for the genus you are interested in, or look
at the online North American taxon lists such as Chris' list on the
page or the Texas Natural History Collection lists and/or the Tree of
pages for deeper classification information beyond family. The other
thing to do is a google search on the genus name. That way you'll find
the information you need very quickly.
Peter Unmack
Canadian River, Oklahoma
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