Re: NANFA-L-- dereks darters
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 11:03:34 EDT
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keep the ac on. if i turn off the ac in summer or let the temp get above 80
these darters will perish. especially when one adds in the heat from lights
and powerheads.
these darters do best in cool basements or northern locations for fishrooms.
keep near the floor. ( big dif in room temp from floor to ceiling! )
a chiller would add tremendously to my ability to keep and nuture local
mountain fish. i dont have one. expensive, noisy and can fog up the glass. some
folks keep their fish room aircond which is a good solution... if all the fish
desire the same temps. i like to have my fish out in the living or studio
space to observe them more.
fish that do best for me-in-room temps are florida fish or urban lowland
stream fish.
if you want to keep appalachian cold stream fish ( such as his greenfins and
redlines ) you gotta keep them cool, clean and aireated. 70 degrees is ok 80
is a killer.
greenfins are only found in upper evelvations. redlines are found in lower
elevations but always in the fastest flowing oxygenated water.
tn snubs can stand warmer water tho.
also i forgot to ad boiled tiny shrimp or krill or good foods for darters.
chopped earthworms and frozen bloodworms are the best for me to get them
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keep the ac on. if i turn off the ac in summer or let the temp get abov=
e 80=20
these darters will perish. especially when one adds in the heat from lights=20=
these darters do best in cool basements or northern locations for=20
fishrooms. keep near the floor. ( big dif in room temp from floor to ceiling=
a chiller would add tremendously to my ability to keep and nuture local=
mountain fish. i dont have one. expensive, noisy and can fog up the=20
glass. some folks keep their fish room aircond which is a good solution=
if all the fish desire the same temps. i like to have my fish out in the liv=
or studio space to observe them more.
fish that do best for me-in-room temps are florida fish or urban lowlan=
stream fish.
if you want to keep appalachian cold stream fish ( such as his greenfin=
and redlines ) you gotta keep them cool, clean and aireated. 70 degrees=
ok 80 is a killer.
greenfins are only found in upper evelvations. redlines are found in lo=
elevations but always in the fastest flowing oxygenated water.
tn snubs can stand warmer water tho.
also i forgot to ad boiled tiny shrimp or krill or good foods for darte=
chopped earthworms and frozen bloodworms are the best for me to get them=20
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